WWE Performance Center training facility in Orlando, Florida.

Step 1: Apply and submit your application to be a WWE pro wrestler (fka sports entertainer)

As of Saturday, August 24, 2024, WWE’s Recruit website is live and accepting applications. To start your journey, visit the WWE Recruitment website and click the “APPLY” link. A pop-up will appear and ask you to apply as either a college athlete or not.

  • College Athletes: If you’re a college athlete, you’ll be redirected to an NIL (Name, Image, Likeness) questionnaire. This is part of WWE’s initiative to recruit college athletes into their developmental program.
  • All Other Applicants: If you’re not a college athlete, you’ll be guided through a general application process where you’ll provide information about your wrestling experience, physical attributes, and background.

☝️ Pro Tip: Make sure your application stands out by highlighting any unique skills, athletic achievements, and wrestling experience. WWE is looking for individuals who can bring something special to their roster.

WWE Performance Center application page with options for college athletes and general applicants.

Step 2: Accept an invitation from WWE

After submitting your application, WWE may contact you within 4-6 weeks to invite you to a tryout. Don’t just sit there and wait, continue mastering your skills. Whether it’s working in the ring, improving your promo skills, or maintaining peak physical condition, every bit of prep counts.

Step 3: Attend a tryout

WWE holds tryouts during major events such as RAW, Smackdown TV tapings, and Premium Live Events (PLEs) throughout the year. These tryouts are your opportunity to showcase your talent in front of WWE’s top scouts and trainers.

WWE held a tryout during WrestleMania 39 weekend in Los Angeles, California, where numerous hopefuls got their shot to impress the WWE decision makers.

The above tweet shows a tryout during Wrestlmania weekend in Los Angeles, California.

Step 4: Wait for feedback from the WWE Performance Center

After your tryout, WWE may offer you a contract on the spot or take additional time to evaluate your performance. If WWE sees potential in you, they will contact you to begin your journey towards becoming a WWE Superstar.

☝️ Pro Tip: Stay patient and continue improving while waiting for feedback (keep grinding). Many top WWE Superstars didn’t make it on their first try but used the feedback to improve and succeed in later attempts.

What to Expect During WWE Tryouts

WWE tryouts are designed to test your physical, mental, and emotional endurance. You can expect to participate in a variety of drills, including:

  • In-ring Drills: These will assess your wrestling technique, agility, and ability to execute moves safely.
  • Promo Skills: You’ll likely be asked to cut a promo to showcase your charisma and ability to connect with the audience.
  • Fitness Tests: Be prepared for intense fitness drills that test your stamina, strength, and cardiovascular endurance.

Tips for a Successful WWE Performance Center Tryout

  • Be Prepared Physically: WWE tryouts are physically demanding (hella hard). Be sure to stay in peak condition by following a rigorous training and diet regimen leading up to the tryout.
  • Showcase Your Personality: WWE is as much about entertainment as it is about wrestling. Make sure your personality shines through in your promo and interactions with trainers. Do you, boo boo!
  • Stay Confident: Confidence is key. Even if you’re nervous, project confidence in your abilities and show WWE that you’re ready for the big stage.

FAQs about WWE Performance Center Tryouts

Do I need previous wrestling experience to try out?

A: While previous wrestling experience can be beneficial, WWE is also open to athletes from other sports backgrounds, such as football, rugby, and gymnastics.

How often does WWE hold tryouts?

WWE holds tryouts throughout the year, often aligning them with major events like WrestleMania or SummerSlam.

What is the age requirement to apply for a tryout?

You must be at least 18 years old to apply for a WWE tryout.

How can I improve my chances of getting selected?

Focus on improving your wrestling skills, physical conditioning, and promo abilities. The more well-rounded you are, the better your chances.

Good luck! Your journey to becoming a WWE Superstar starts with the first step. Visit the WWE Recruit website here to get started today!

Posts about the WWE Performance Center