Promo / Segment Details

Tony Schiavone
Larry Zbyszko

Tony Schiavone and Larry Zbyszko on WCW Saturday Night in June 1993.

Flyin’ Brian Pillman as Ric Flair
Stunning Steve Austin as himself
Featuring Pate

Promo / Segment Script

Steve Austin as the Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen. It’s the world renowned celebration of nostalgia. A Flare For the Old. Featuring… the seven… or eight… or nine time world champion, the Nature Boy. And featuring his maid, Pate. And now the Nature Boy and tonight’s special guest, one half of the World Tag Team Champions, Hollywood Blonde, Stunning Steve Austin!

Brian Pillman as Ric Flair: Thank you, there you, thank you very much, uh, very, uh, please to announce that uh, if a special segment of a flare for the old.

Flyin’ Brian Pillman as Ric Flair featuring Pate

Here we are, nursing home, uh, paradise, uh, live here on, uh, in Technicolor and, uh, I know, uh, before we go any further I’d like to, uh, give that moment, every red blooded male on… in America love and that’s that’s… that’s right take a deep breath let’s bring her out, Pate the made. There she is there she is. Woo (laughter). Oh you sex kitten you it’s one of little perks being host of the show. I’m very pleased to announce my special guest, one half of the World Tag Team Champions, Stunning Steve Austin. Let’s bring him out.

(Boo / Applause)

(Steve Austin gives a hard hand shake to Flyin’ Brian Pillman as Ric Flair who can’t handle the firm grip)

Steve Austin gives a hard hand shake to Flyin’ Brian Pillman aka Ric Flair who can’t handle the firm grip

Brian Pillman as Ric Flair: How are you Steve? I’m told that, uh, you and your partner are doing some very, uh, tremendous things, uh, you and, uh, stunning Steve are just a tremendous combination.

Stunning Steve Austin as himself: I’m Stunning Steve!

Brian Pillman as Ric Flair: What was that, uh?

Stunning Steve Austin as himself: I’m Stunning Steve!

(Flyin’ Brian Pillman as Ric Flair jumps!)

Brian Pillman as Ric Flair: Anyway Steve, uh, maybe, uh, tell the great fans out there, uh, some of the great things that, uh, the Blondes are doing, uh, with this tag team.

Stunning Steve Austin as himself: Well I feel like with a partner like Flyin’ Brian, the Hollywood Blondes can go…(Steve taps Flair to make sure he’s awake) The Hollywood Blondes can go as… (Steve taps Flair gain to wake him up) Hey wake up! The Hollywood Blondes can go as far as they want to in tag team wrestling.

Brian Pillman as Ric Flair: Pardon me, Steve, I believe it’s time for, for my medication if you can hold on one minute please (breathing heavily). Please hold a microphone for me.

(Flyin’ Brian Pillman aka Ric Flair tries to open up the medication)

Stunning Steve Austin as himself: Let me do that here open up open up

Brian Pillman as Ric Flair: Thank you very much, uh, yes I’m surprised you’re wondering about that medication. Well, it’s all legally prescribed and, uh, you know a little nitro for the, uh, Alzheimer’s and, uh, I got some Vitamin E in there too, uh, you know what they say, uh, helps keep the old pencil sharp, uh

(Arn Anderson approaches the ring)

Stunning Steve Austin as himself: I wouldn’t know about problems like that but what I do notice is that the set’s the same but your best, your best friend, your right hand stooge, there’s Mr. Stooge right there, I’ve got to say double A, it’s a shame that the Nature Boy has to suffer of old age like this but I’ve got to say looking at that body, the last time I saw a body like that it had an apple stuffed in its mouth and it was roasting over an open flame

Arn Anderson: You like like the barbecue you, huh, well let’s see (Arn Anderson SLAPS! Steve Austin)

Tony Schiavone: Well they’re going at it now and we expected as much. Arn Anderson. We are, we are almost out of time. Arn Anderson’s in it with Steve Austin. Here comes Brian… Brian with his cane,

Larry Zbyszko: He hit him with a cane,

Tony Schiavone: Fans we are, we’re out of time. We’ll see you next.

Segment / Promo Video